Not perfectly good for health and important source of pollution. Meat production generate 18 % of greenhouse gases of the planet. If western meat-eaters could reduce by 10 % their portions, meat-related greenhouse effect would remain stable instead of growing. In short, a vegetarian in a plane may make less pollution than a carnivore on a bike...
Imparfaite pour la santé et source de pollution importante. La production de viande génère 18 % des gaz à effet de serre de la planète. Si les mangeurs de viande occidentaux pouvaient réduire de 10 % leur portion, l'effet de serre du à la viande se stabiliserait au mieu d'augmenter. En clair, un végétarien dans un avion pourrait moins polluer qu'un carnivore à vélo...
1 comment:
Please think about this;
Think about the massive herds of buffalo that roamed north America (before the US army and people killed them for fun). Were they creating greenhouse gasses by way of methane? And now we've replaced the buffalo with herds of cattle. why all of the sudden there farts are harming the planet??
Thank you for making these posts because your getting people to think. But sometimes we need to think critically about what the people/scientists who seem to be the experts say.
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